Saturday 29 September 2012

Hula Hooper Chicken Pooper

1) Before the film: I am still wondering what is supposed to be so interesting about the new scifi movie with Bruce Willis that seems to be called Blooper or Pooper Looper or something like that. It seems to be the another movie with this actor playing someone sent from the future into the past. Will I bother to see it? Many good reviews by the looks of it. Well, I could be going to see the movie and mentally block out the presence of the actors in it. Ever since Adjustment Bureau, Wmm kept imagining Emily Blunt with small flesh coloured sphere hovering five millimetres in front of her nose as if it were a product of the finger sausage type optical illusion, It may continue to happen again while Wmm watches this movie.
2) After the film: Yes, I saw the movie and appreciate people's urge to give this movie glowing reviews. I suppose it was a movie with a Terminator predicament that started to show signs of it starting to become an Akira type story along a North by North West route. Watch with wonder once. This sequel to this could just as easy be the American version of Akira. This
Joseph Gordon-Levitt made up to look
 like a young Bruce Willis type person
sequel to this could just as easy be the American version of Akira. As long as you don't mind them mutilating the whole story.  Probably give it 6.5 out of 10. So that's Hulah-Hooper Blooper Blooper Chicken Pooper or is that Pooper Pooper Hickenlooper over and done with. (The George Hickenlooper society on Twitter enjoyed that last comment) I would be excited to know about other permutations of various false titles for this movie with similar rhyming words. 
3) Several days later, October 8th 2012: For those who were dismayed by this movie as much as the new Batman movie, well I seemed to be one of the people who sensed something in the recent Batman movie which I thought at the end was amazing although quite an awful trawl to sit through. I thought it was a well crafted movie considering. But the plot of the Pooper, Blooper or whatever it is called movie felt for me a little more solid than a lot of the scifi movies that I've seen. I could
the normal Joseph Gordon-Levitt
without prosethetics
imagine a lot of people being bored but I liked what was going on. I admit though that I've thought very little about the movie afterwards, and may have even less going through my mind about it later. I'm probably surprised that there are people giving it four out of five because I was generally bored with many scenes, but the general positive appreciation for it often looks like something I can generally empathise with.
4) Joel Gorden-Levitt's transformation into someone who doesn't necessary look like himself in this movie show him to be a very promising actor. I don't look at him as an actor who who I especially want to see in a movie. He normally has a face with facial expressions that I don't really look for in a  lead actor, but the way he looked in this film as a sort of a younger version of Bruce Willis' character in the movie was great.

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